Using Logical Operators : Can I drive ? A Simple JavaScript Console Program

Program to find whether you are eligible to drive

A simple example of how logical operators works

const hasDriversLicense = true; // A
const hasGoodVision = false; // B

console.log(hasDriversLicense && hasGoodVision); // T && F = F
console.log(hasDriversLicense || hasGoodVision); // T || F = 1
console.log(!hasDriversLicense); // !T = F

 if (hasDriversLicense && hasGoodVision) {
  console.log('Sarah is able to drive!');
 } else {
  console.log('Someone else should drive...');

Can I drive ? Logical Operators to find out

const age = 18;
const yearsLeft = 18 - age;
if (age >= 18) {
  console.log('You can start driving license')
} else {
  console.log("You are too young, Wait another", yearsLeft, "years")